Mastering Your Communication with Guidance (#201 @AWK)
This course is the foundation for changing the focus of your life from using your intellect, to learning about your energy through opening up to your feeling nature – the part and parcel of your soul part that is limitless and boundless – and refining a true spiritual communication connection with your Guidance. Mastering this communication can open you to unlimited success.
This profound workshop provides step-by-step revelations, tools, and techniques that rekindle your awareness of your feelings and your two-way communication with your Angels. The confidence and trust in mastering this skill can be applied immediately to set spiritual goals that fit your purpose and fulfilment of life. You gain the ability to experience definitive decision-making and naturally enhance relationships with others through the awareness you develop.
That way, when you leave, you can enjoy positive and meaningful relationships with others, and create optimal success with the energy and drive you desire.
Participants of this workshop share the skills gained have given them natural unforced self-expression, charisma and an extraordinary level of confidence.
In this transformative workshop you will discover:
The refinement of a true spiritual communication connection with your Guidance;
Two-way communication to learn about your energy, who and how your Angels work with you;
Techniques that can open awareness of your aura;
How to automatically write with your Guidance;
The ability to create successful teamwork with your Angels;
How to set spiritual goals for more fulfilment in life;
Clarify the facts to remove fears.
This workshop includes meditation and energy healing techniques that can be simply mastered. Your evaluation of yourself with the insights from your Guidance will evolve to a higher level of inspiration and love to live the life you dream of.
Time: 8 Hours
#654 Transform Your Life: The ‘Business of Life’ Workshop
Recommended: #5001B Life Blockage Release Consultation
Follow up:
#101 Pathways Awakening Courses: Level 1 Step 1, Awakening Your Inner Self to Its Potential
Recommended: If you are experiencing deep grief, fluctuating emotions, or in the process of healing, a personalised one-to-one Life Blockage Release Consultation prior to the workshop is recommended.