The Evolving Your Gift Courses are a series of four profound and unique courses offered by Living Illumination that unfold a deeper understanding of the Gift of Feeling, Gift of Intuition, Gift of Prophecy and Gift of Vision – the four perceptions.
Each of the perceptions has in-balance and out-of-balance qualities. Since you have all four, It is imperative that you understand each of your gifts and your own unique gift order and use your perceptions in balance, to ensure you are living your life undiluted and having the breakthroughs you want to enable you to live your contentment, fulfilment, and success. These courses have helped many around the world take their life to the next level and live outside of what is predictable.
In this profound Evolving Your ‘Gift of Feeling’ Course you unfold your gift of feeling, strengthen your inner guidance and learn about:
- Your feelings, how to sense with your feeling gift, and learn how to trust your feelings;
- It's capacity to love and heal and how to heal yourself and others by understanding and using your feelings;
- Techniques that may help you remember past lives or their experiences;
- How easy it is to stimulate your feeling gift and how much power it has, and to keep yourself focused and directed;
- The out of balance qualities of the Gift of Feeling to recognise and avoid living them;
- Experiencing techniques using your feeling gift to read the energy of others, heal your own aura and the aura of others;
- Using your gift of feeling to become an example and way-shower for others.
Finalising this course gives you a very special moment of embracing your aura relaxing into its many profound insights enjoying the calmness of your soul.
Time: 9 Hours
- #654 The Business of Life Workshop
- #5001B Life Blockage Release Consultation
- #101 - #106 Pathways Awakening Courses: Level 1 Step 1-6
Follow up:
Recommended: If you are experiencing deep grief, fluctuating emotions, or in the process of healing, a personalised one-to-one Life Blockage Consultation prior to the workshop is recommended.